Survey to help the VNA decrease workplace violence
Posted about 2 months ago by Elaine Hughes
Good evening everyone,
I am attaching an email sent to me from Dr. Ashley Apple from the VNA. She was one of our guest speakers at our conference Saturday and she has asked me to share this survey with you. This is to help the VNA with a bill to the VA legislature regarding workplace violence. They need to hear our stories if you are willing.
Thank you for your consideration.
Elaine Hughes
Vice President
Hello, my new PeriAnesthesia friends! Thank you so much for your time and energy today! Below is a link to the VNA survey on workplace violence that I mentioned in my presentation. We're pulling our first batch of survey results on Monday, so if you're able to complete it before then, that would be amazing! That said, we'll continue collecting data at least through the end of October (and perhaps longer), so please do engage whenever you're able.
Just a reminder: This survey is completely anonymous, and although a few questions ask about your workplace, you do NOT need to indicate where you work or who your employer is. We're simply collecting stories to share with state legislators in preparation for the 2025 legislative session. The VNA is partnering with the Medical Society of Virginia to introduce a bill that requires hospitals to formally report episodes of workplace violence to the Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. This includes all episodes of violence, irrespective of whether or not the nurse perceives it to be criminal in nature (for example, a confused elderly patient who punches you is unlikely to be criminally responsible, but that doesn't mean you didn't experience violence). The data collected through state reporting could be used to inform our future legislative and regulatory advocacy to protect clinicians in the workplace.
If anyone is interested in advocating on this issue and/or sharing their story without anonymity, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or anyone at the Virginia Nurses Association. We'd love to help you share your story!
Ashley Apple, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
VNA Workplace Violence Survey Link:
Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.
Ashley Apple, DNP, RN, FNP-BC