Virginia Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses

Cast your vote by February 29th

Posted 3 months ago

Hello VSPAN members,

The deadline for casting your vote is swiftly approaching, and we need your input to ensure that our leadership accurately represents the values and aspirations of our diverse community. Your vote is your voice, and it plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of ASPAN.  The candidates for ASPAN board positions have provided their qualifications, backgrounds, and visions for the future of peri-anesthesia nursing.  Please take a few minutes to read the profiles of the candidates here: 2024-2025 Candidate Profiles ( and cast your vote online by February 29th.

Your opinion really does matter!  Your votes will be relayed to your VSPAN representatives, who will be at the Representative Assembly (RA) at National Conference this April to speak for the needs of our members.  

If you will be attending National Conference in Orlando, I encourage you to watch the RA in action on Sunday April 14th.  Any ASPAN member can sit in the gallery to observe RA, and it's a great way to learn about how ASPAN is working to support and advocate for you.    

Please take the time to participate in shaping the future of ASPAN by voting here, and I hope to see you in Orlando.


Amy Ballenger BSN RN CPAN

VSPAN President


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